Instant provides a comprehensive range of teaching and assessment resources to secondary schools and other training providers across New Zealand.
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Produce a spreadsheet from instructions using supplied data [Uses Microsoft Excel] -.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 1 CREDIT 2
Create a web page using a mark-up language with a text editor VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 1 CREDIT 2
Produce simple desktop published documents using templates (Using MS Publisher) -.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 1 CREDIT 3
Compose and manage text to produce documents using basic keyboarding and layout skills.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 1 CREDIT 3
Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 1 CREDIT 3
Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements-Interactive PDF VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 1 CREDIT 3
Use computer technology to create and deliver a presentation from given content.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 3
Describe aspects of one's own lineage/whakapapa, heritage, and cultural identity VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 4
Use the main features and functions of a word processing application for a purpose -.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 4
Use the main features and functions of a word processing application for a purpose -.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 4
Use the main features and functions of a spreadsheet application for a purpose - Avail.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 4
Use the main features and functions of a spreadsheet application for a purpose -.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 3
Use the main features and functions of a presentation application for a purpose VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 3
Use the main features and functions of a presentation application for a purpose -.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 3
Produce digital images for a range of digital media - Adobe Version VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 3
Produce digital images for a range of digital media - Freeware Version VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 3
Produce digital images for a range of digital media (Freeware version) - Interactive PDF VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 4
Use the main features and functions of a desktop publishing application to create.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 4
Use the main features and functions of a desktop publishing application to create.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 4
Use the main features and functions of a desktop publishing application to create.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 3
Use the main features and functions of a web authoring and design tool to create a website VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 3
Use the main features and functions of a web authoring and design tool to create a.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 4
Use the main features of an HTML editor to create a website - Interactive PDF VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 3
Use the main features and functions of a database application to create and test a.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 3
Use the main features and functions of a database application to create and test a.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 2
Use the main features and functions of a schematic diagram application to create diagrams VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 3
Configure, manage and use contemporary and emerging digital devices [Windows, Android,.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 7
Use the internet and common digital devices and software to gather information and.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 5
Demonstrate knowledge of computing hardware, software and terminology to select digital.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 5
Demonstrate knowledge of computing hardware, software and terminology to select digital.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 3
Demonstrate and apply knowledge of financial transaction source documents VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 3
Process financial information for cash transactions for an organisation VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 5
Use digital tools securely, safely, ethically and legally (replaced US29783 at end of.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 5
Use digital tools securely, safely, ethically and legally (replaced US29783 at end of.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 5
Use problem solving techniques and critical thinking to make informed decisions about.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 5
Use problem solving techniques and critical thinking to make informed decisions about.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 3
Apply self-management skills to enhance own learning in a digital context VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 3
Apply self-management skills to enhance own learning in a digital context - Interactive.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 4
Select and use planning tools to manage the development of an outcome (Generic.. VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 6
Develop a conceptual design for an outcome (Generic Technologies 2.3) VIEW DETAILSLEVEL 2 CREDIT 6
Undertake effective development to make and trial a prototype (Generic Technologies 2.4) VIEW DETAILS